What was Welcome Week like for you?
“Welcome was really good! The events guide was very useful and it allowed me to plan what I was going to do, which made everything a lot less scary. I did a lot of things that I didn’t think I would. I went to the Trent Army night out, made new friends at the Society events, and had great help from the Freshers’ Team.”
“Everyone was really friendly and it didn’t matter that I didn’t want go to many of the Club Nights because there was so much else to do; for example going to the cinema, bowling and so much more. It was great!”
What are your top tips for new students?
- The Sort Your Support sessions for disabled students were really good.
- Ask for help if you need it, and take help if it is offered.
- Remember that university is not just about going out and getting drunk; there is so much more to it than that.
- Do things that you haven’t done before.
- Meet and talk to your flat mates.
- Relax and have fun!
What events would you recommend?
- Sport taster sessions
- Society events
- Campus tours
- Any of the quieter events
- Freshers’ fair
- Trent army club night- this is something that I was really proud of myself for doing; it really helps you feel like you have joined something special…